Friday, December 21, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Updated dead tree count
Friday, November 30, 2007
It's a wonder we still have trees...

In other news, here's a picture of the finished baby sweater and hat, complete with buttons:

Monday, November 26, 2007
So Cute!
It's hard to see in this picture, but there's a cute stitch detail at the yoke, hem and cuffs.
Yarn: Knit Picks Swish DK - Eggplant - 2.5 sk.
Needles: #5 - Denise
Started: Nov.15
Finished: Nov. 24
This was a great subway knitting project, and I was able to knit it almost exclusively while on my way to and from work. I think I'm going to knock out a quick Umbilical Cord Hat tonight, since I've got plenty of the yarn left.
In other news, Thanksgiving was awesome, as was the whole past weekend.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
WTF, Eunny?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Doo Doo Doo...
I think I'm going to place an order from Webs, though I'm trying to talk myself out of it. I've got my eye on some Ella Rae Classic, and I'm thinking of picking up some more Classic Al while it's at the rock bottom price. Oh, temptation!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hey, Me. Welcome back!
But on the bright side, what this really means is the weather is starting to cool off, and I'm actually interested in knitting again. Woohoo!!! I picked up Sunrise Circles Wednesday night, and knit about 15 rows on the back, and another dozen last night. When was the last time I worked on Sunrise Circles you might ask? Oh, maybe February? March? Regardless, it's been a while. I'm working it up in Dale of Norway Sisik. Nice yarn to the touch, but a little shed-y. I'm not sure I'm going to like the finished product, but I feel like I need to see it through to the end. Or at least to the piecing-it-together stage, when I can decide if I like the fit enough to seam it. My finishing skills are, shall we say, underdeveloped. So the closer I come to the end of the knitting, the more dread I feel. Which just causes me to have start-itis. And a gaggle of projects in various stages of un-completion. What can I say? People taught me knitting, not finishing. And not knowing an other knitters to ask for help doesn't help.
Anyway, on to other topics. I had a great summer. I hope you all did too. Shall we re-cap the highlights? OK!
- Lonely, Dear and The Sea & Cake at Sound Fix. Loved Lonely, Dear. Bought his album Lonely, Noir, and you should too. It's truly amazing!
- Built to Spill at McCarren Pool. Good show. Haven't seen them in years. Hoped they would play Cortez the Killer, my fave song of theirs, but alas they did not. And Cat Power? Sober or not, I still think she sucks.
- Got to see Frost/Nixon and Grey Gardens before they closed. Both great, but my seat for Grey Gardens was way up in the rafters and kinda ruined it for me because the sound sucked.
- Band of Horses at McCarren Pool. Good show, but spoiled a little because the friends I was with kept talking.
- Trail of Dead at Luna Lounge. F'ing awesome!! I can't get enough of those guys. They could have played 4 hours and it still wouldn't have been enough for me. :) And when was the last time you saw a band for $5. Nice gesture guys, thanks!
- I'm from Barcelona and Blonde Redhead at McCarren Pool. Both good, but I had to listen to I'm from Barcelona from outside the pool as the line to get in was impossibly long. And again the friend I was with talked through the entire show.
- Beastie Boys at McCarren Pool. Who would have thought I'd finally get the chance to see them somewhere besides a huge arena? And in Brooklyn no less? They were great. Their set was great. The mobile/stabile on stage was really cool. Brought back fond memories of being 10 and hearing "Brass Monkey" and "You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party" at the roller rink.
- The hottest 10 days of the summer spent in Missouri, with my family who don't believe in air conditioning. Can you say ouch? I love my parents, and always love being home, but 100+ degrees and high humidity does not a relaxing vacation make.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I actually put off reading this for a few weeks after I got it because I wasn't ready for the Harry Potter world to come to a close. But it was a fitting end to a truly wonderful series that I'm already ready to re-read.
- Superbad. The best movie I saw this summer. Hilarious. Almost unspeakably so. Followed by The Simpsons Movie. I was greatly relieved that it was good. And not just good, but GOOD.
So what's up for the fall, you ask? Well, not much. I've started saving for a trip to Japan in the spring, so I'm supposed to be on a really tight budget. So it looks like a lot of knitting to pass the time. And trust me, I've got a lot to do. Just this week, even on my new budget, I bought yarn for 2 projects. First, I got some Elsebeth Lavold Classic Al for The Minimalist Cardigan in the Fall issue of Interweave Knits. It was on sale at Webs for $3.49, so how could I resist? Then I got some Filature di Crosa Zara from Elann for $3.98. It's for the Cabled Spiral Pullover from Knitting Nature. The pattern called for Jaeger Extra Fine Merino DK, but they're the same yarn, and the Zara was cheaper than the Jaeger at Webs, and there was a better color selection. So that brings my gut wrenching total of sweaters in queue to 19!! And that doesn't even include other projects, like gift knitting, scarves, hats, bags, etc. I should probably un-subscribe to Interweave so I stop seeing nice projects and stop feeling tempted, but the web is such an enabler!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
A lot more of the same old same old
In knitting news, I'm still kind of ignoring the Purple Cabled Cardigan. It's looking like we may be broken up for a few more weeks. I'm nearly finished with a Kittyville hat, but need to make the pompoms and attach the ears. I wanted a quick project, and this one was. I think I had the hat and the i-cords done in about 3 hours. Pics of finished stuff next time.
I'm thinking I might start the Garden Path Shawl next. I'm planning on giving it to my Mom for christmas, and it would be nice to finish it really early. And I'm planning to make a Clapotis for my Aunt, and assorted gifts for friends, so I feel like I need to get cracking.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I hate it when...
Anyhoot, I haven't been up to much these last few weeks. The cold I contracted over Easter weekend morphed into tonsillitis and a weak flu, and it took me forever to get over. I'm just finally feeling like my old self again. I had to mostly put the knitting on hold, because by the time I would get home from work, I would be too tired to be able to concentrate on anything. So I slowly finished the My So-Called Scarf, and worked up a Republic Hat out of some KnitPicks Panache I had in my stash. I'll post pictures soon. And I got to make a trip to M & J Trimmings to find a button for the hat. Yay! The woman in front of me at the register bought $241 worth of ribbon. Yikes. Must have been some f'ing awesome ribbon.
By the way, did I mention what I got to see the other day?

Holy tea cakes was it fun. They stick really closely to the plot of the movie, and Laura Bell Bundy could almost be a double for Reese Witherspoon. I definitely give it a "See It".
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Such a long day...
In knitting news, things go not well at all. Much to my shame and embarrassment, the picture I posted of my progress on the Vogue Cabled Cardi contains an unsightly error. I'm disheartened that I didn't notice it earlier, and it means I'm going to have to rip back another EIGHT INCHES!!! Again! For the FOURTH TIME!!!! I am so tired of making mistakes on this sweater. And it pains me even more, because I thought I was being so diligent. So I set it aside for my trip, and took along a little travel project.
I had some Debbie Bliss Soho in my stash, and finally started on the My So-Called Scarf I've been meaning to make for, oh, 2 years? It's a fun, easily memorized pattern. Perfect for airports and airplanes. I like the end results, and it's going to be one awfully warm scarf. I think I'm also going to make a matching hat from the My Herringbone Hat pattern, since I've got 2 more skeins of the Soho. These might end up as a gift, but considering it's now mid-April, I've got plenty of time to decide, right?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Purple Progress
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Knitty, knitty

In knitting news, nothing goes well. Friday night I decided I had made too many mistakes on the Vogue Cabled Cardigan, and frogged it back down to the ribbing at the hem. I don't know what kind of crack I was smoking, but I hadn't noticed I was knitting on the #8's instead of the #10's. And I had missed the point where I was supposed to start reducing on the fronts, by like 2". So I ripped back for the second time, and began anew. This time around, it seems things are going as planned. Everything is looking good, I got my waist shaping decreases and increases in the right places, I started my front decreases in the right place, and when I go home tonight I get to start decreasing for the armholes. After working on it most of the weekend and a little last night, I'm back up to 16". I'm going to try to continue to work all three pieces at once, and see how it goes, but I know I'm going to have to re-work my notes to keep everything straight. I'll try to post a picture soon.
Ps, I saw the YarnHarlot speak at FIT last week, and yes, she was awesome!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Crochet Wonders of the Deep

In other news, I saw Edward Scissorhands last night at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. I was a bit unsure if I would really like it, since it's actually being staged as a ballet, but Matthew Bourne is a genius, and it was really interesting and accessible, and short enough that it kept me really interested.

Friday, March 9, 2007
From cat, with love
In other news, I ripped back to the beginning on the Vogue cabled cardigan. It was going to be too big, especially once I added the button bands, so I started fresh, and went to the next smaller size down. I really like the color of the Highland Chunky Grape Heather. There are these little flecks of red every once in awhile. I don't know if they'll be visible once the sweater is whole, but I smile a little every time I see one.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Yummy Alpaca

I didn't get much knitting done over the weekend. Progress on the Cabled Cardigan is slow, as I'm working the fronts and back all in one piece for as far as I can. So I'm only about 5 inches into it. The cables are just starting to appear. But since I need the instructions in front of me to work the cables, and remember the decreases, it's not good subway knitting. So I'm wasting 2 hours a day when I could be knitting. Maybe Clapotis will be a good subway project?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
In other excitements
In other news, I cast on last night for the cabled cardigan (#19) from the Fall '06 Vogue Knitting. Last Wednesday I placed an order from Elann for some of their Peruvian Highland Chunky in Grape Heather, and it showed up on Tuesday. How awesome is that? I also got some of the Peruvian Quechua in Saxony Teal, and the Peruvian Baby Silk in Oxblood.

I also finally finished the little poncho for my friend Kate. Her shoulders are a lot more narrow than mine, so I couldn't model it, and the yarn is nearly white, it was difficult to photograph, so this is the best picture I could get. It's got yarn-overs down one shoulder, and it laces closed down the other shoulder.
Looks like I need to take a vacation
Create your own visited states map here.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Cleaning in style

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Bad Weather Sucks
In knitting related news, I've been relatively unproductive. I'm almost finished with the convertible mittens for my friend, just the right thumb left to finish, and weaving in the ends.
But last night I got sidetracked, and decided to rip apart an old cashmere sweater that had developed a few holes. I'm hoping to recycle the yarn for a hat or something. It's so fine that it's going to be a complete pain in the ass, but I didn't want to just throw cashmere away.
I also think I'm going to take apart the Blackberry from Knitty that I made last year. I never really liked how the arms turned out. The bobbles make them really bulky. I would like them to be a bit more sleek. So I'm going to re-knit them sans bobbles.
I also think I'm going to order some of the Quechua that Elann posted today. I really like the Cabled Cardigan pattern they're offering free with purchase. And I've had my eye on some Highland Chunky for the Cabled Cardigan (#19) from the Fall 06 Vogue Knitting (so beautifully done by cosmicpluto), so I think I'll finally pick some of that up too.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Spiral Hat Pattern
Spiral Knit Hat
Knit Picks Andean Treasure – 1 sk. Mystery Heather (MC) & 1 sk. Lilac Heather (CC)
Double Pointed Needles – Size 4 & 5
Ribbed Band:
Using the smaller needles and main color, evenly cast on 108 stitches onto 3 double pointed needles, being careful not to twist the stitches. Place Marker and join, knitting in a 2x2 rib. Continue in ribbing until band is 1” (or desired length).
Spiral Body:
Switch to the larger needles, and with the CC, knit 2 st, beginning by knitting the first 2 st together (this will establish the spiral because there will now be an uneven number of stitches) continue knitting in a K2MC, K2CC, repeating the entire way around.
Continue in this 2 color pattern until the hat reaches nearly the desired length (about 6.5”). When hat seems long enough, and you are ready to reduce for the crown, with MC only, proceed to K2tog for the entire round. Knit 5 more rounds and repeat the K2tog round. K 3 more rounds and pull tail through remaining stitches to close top of cap.
Weave in ends, and you’re done! The hat will loosen a little bit with washing.
Gifts of Care
In other news, my cousin's wife Kerry is not doing well, and is now in the hospital for a while. She is in her 7th month of pregnancy, and started hemorrhaging last Saturday, and has been ordered on long-term in-hospital bed rest. The baby's not due until mid-April, so she's facing 2+ months of purgatory. So to help her pass the time, I've put together a little care package. A few useful things like lotion and flip flops, a few fun thing like an assortment of nail polishes, a book of assorted puzzles and a digital solitaire game, and some warm hand knit slippers.

I used a pattern I found online at Knitting Pattern Central, for the Stash-busters Slippers. They were super easy to make up. I used some Elann Peruvian Collection Highland Wool I had in my stash in Oxford Grey Heather and Eggplant, and start to finish they were done in less than 3 hours. Gave them a quick rinse, let them dry overnight, and now they are a great little keep-me-warm gift.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Holy Cheese!
In knitting news, I finished the little wrap for my friend Kate, and I hope to post a picture tomorrow. It looks ok, but since it's in a cream color, all the irregularities show only too well. Other knitting has been slow going. My friend Anne liked the prototype for the convertible gloves I've been working on, but she wants the flip part a little different, so I have to rip that back to the join...again. She really wants a hooded scarf, but I've been procrastinating.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Beautiful Leaves
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hi everyone!